Our last day in Interlaken was due to be damp so we said we’d catch the bus into town and do some shopping 🛍…
Traditionally Cuckoo Clocks are associated with The Black Forest 🌳 and we looked at every single one (really, we did) whilst we were there…
The main jobbies have long chains hanging down which you have to pull to wind the clock up either once a day – or with the bigger clocks, once every 8 days. Now (once we’d warmed to the idea of actually possibly getting one) we knew that our cats 🐈 (Arthur & Babe) would attack the chains…
So they also make battery operated cuckoo clocks and the added advantage of these is that they have 12 tunes (the manual ones only one or sometimes two tunes) which play after the cuckoo chirps AND there is a switch on the side to silence the music and or the cuckoo !!!
I initially REALLY wanted “The Kissing Couple” (smaller) clock but it simply wasn’t good value compared to the larger “Children On The See-Saw” clock. Dave wanted a nice roof and a water wheel – which they both had… What finally swung it was that there is space for me to pop a small nativity scene on there at Christmas 🎄 🎅 plus the discount the shopkeeper applied – along with free shipping !!!
We also bought a cow bell to hang outside out front door at home (as I haven’t had a doorbell since I got a new front door 2 years ago !!!) and then had a mooch around some pretty gardens – check out the big clock in the middle of the flowerbed below…
The one we didn’t buy…

… and the one we did !!! xxx