P.S. From the previous post – first piccie below is of a “double” mobility scooter – as we sat on “the front” yesterday, we literally must have seen about 30 “single” mobility scooters (oooh forgot to say – one of which rammed somebody in the market earlier in the day & there was a RIGHT hoo-ha !!!) and a dozen of these new “double” ones (that neither of us had seen before) !!! It is BIG business over here 💰 !!!
Anyway, so after we’d polished off the second litre of sangria, we bibbed back to the Old Town as Dave had spotted a place the previous night that looked like it did a good steak. However – for Spain – even in January – 6pm is a little early & the place wasn’t yet open so we ended up at the place next door and My Dave had a sirloin – rare (and it was nearly moo-ing – he said it was cooked well) and I was a bit let down – I felt a bit rushed (as the guy had come to us twice) so ended up with a Spanish version of ham, egg & potatoes π
When asked what we’d like to drink, Dave suggested more sangria and I declared I was “Sangria’d-Out” but then ordered a Tinto De Verano (“summer red wine” – red wine, soft drink & ice – mine came pre-made in a bottle and was 4.5% alcohol like an alco-pop – and was essentially the same as Sangria without the marinated fruit !!!) whilst Dave managed to down 2 more beers 🍻
In the Old Town where we ate they had lovely heaters & we were toasty but it gets chilly after about 5pm so I wasn’t looking forward to the cycle back (Dave asked me if I’d like to go on somewhere but I said I’d like a cup of tea back at base… 👵)
We’d got about halfway back when Dave veered off down a side street announcing he could hear singing (and thought it was a karaoke bar) however when we got there there was the most fantastic SAXOPHONIST playing “crowd pleasers” in this English Bar…
We locked up the bikes & went in around 7:30pm. My Dave bought the guy a drink afterwards he apparently does an hour and we caught the second half of his act & he was PHENOMENAL !!! See little video below…
THEN at 8pm this Scottish (or “Scotch” as my sister & I like to call them) guitarist came on – and he was OK – but nothing LIKE as entertaining as the sax guy…
He played until 9:30pm and then “Francesco Jackson” came on – basically he was an MJ dance tribute – he didn’t sing but he had the videos playing in the background and literally was totally in sync with the moves – he was also brilliant !!! See little vid also below…
2 vino blanco’s and 3 cerveza’s later, we cycled back around 10:30pm and I (finally) had my cup of tea and a brioche bun & Nutella – and Dave had a port – and said this morning that he can’t remember coming to bed 😂
But a good time was had by all !!!
P.S. Note to my brother-in-law, Paulie – I am a complete “flat-head” (not “fizz-bomb” or “smart-cut” 😂) on the photos below as I’d been wearing my Ozzie leather cowgirl hat to shield me from the sun all day and had “hat hair” (and I cut my own fringe AGAIN the other day… π )