So (particularly as website had shown the massive, fabulous lighty-up red thing below in the first piccie, I was intrigued and hoped that there would be MORE lighty-up things) we made our way to the next POI on the list – The Museum of Contemporary Art – which was also free 👍
There was an exhibition by Angel Duarte (?) upstairs but the 4 floors in the basement were the main event…
It was all very reminiscent of the Guggenheim Museum which we visited in Bilbao back in 2011 when we were on a cheap Med cruise… But THERE we spent a fortune for 9 of us to get in and the highlight was a mannequin with a broom up it’s backside surrounded by loads of tins of spilt paint – and they call that ART 😂 (I know – I’m just a philistine from Scunthorpe who loves religious oil paintings !!!)
Anyway make your OWN mind up (examples below). I DID like the “Roman Statue On A Blood Drip” and was EXPECTING (and almost but didn’t quite appreciate) the “Balloons”, the “Squares”, the “Shapes” and the “1960’s Black & White” effort, but I have to say that although I am no creative, I reckon I could do better the “Doodle” pencil drawing…
Plus the room dedicated to the axes and TV’s was just something else… (and very reminiscent of the Guggenheim spilt paint, broom up backside piece from 2011 – I’ve even Googled it to try & find a photo but for once – sadly – Mr Google has let me down 😔)…
It took AGES to go around everything and as we walked up the multiple flights of stairs to get back to ground level, Dave stopped to take a photo and said, “It’s come to something when I see a white IKEA bench and I’m not sure whether to admire it or sit on it !!!” 😂
And that just about sums up contemporary art – for both of US anyway !!!
When we finally arrived at “Ground Zero”, the staff (who were very helpful, lovely young Spanish girls) smiled at us and pointed to the lift !!! 😅

- Location: 39° 28′ 18.36″ N 6° 22′ 24.3″ W