ANYWAY there was apparently a bus (and the reason that I’ve entitled this post “Mixing With The Public” is that my sister once worked with a girl (Amanda) who was married to a really rich, posh chap who would never go on a bus or EVEN go to the cinema because he would have to “mix with the public” 😂 so whenever Dave & I go on a bus, we call it “mixing with the public” !!!
This bus (the No 5) went into town and for €1.10 each we did the 6 / 7Km journey & after a laughable interchange with the bus driver over where to get off (as nobody “hablas inglés” and my Spanish/French was clearly not good enough 😂) we arrived in the centre of Caseres…
It was 4pm and (because there wasn’t a LOT to do & because it opened at 4pm) first stop was Caseres Museum (not our usual port of call) but which was free & presided over by a very bored looking woman. However, it was very dark as they wanted to preserve their 1st-4th Century BC offerings of rocks, pottery & jewellery…
Also there was no English translation on the explanatory boards (which you could barely see anyway as it was so bleedin’ dark 😂) so we’re not much the wiser (and not sure any Spanish peeps would be either…)
There was also an art gallery – this time presided over by a very bored looking man – with a few pieces done by Picasso (no famous ones that I’D ever seen before 😂) and more pieces by other random artists – but sadly again – nothing to write home (or on this blog !!!) about. Other than to mention that the central heating was on SKY high & it was roasting 🥵 in both the museum AND the gallery. As it’s free entry & they have staff, goodness knows who’s paying the bills 😂
Stop No 2 was Cathedral De Santa Maria (or so I thought – well I’m out of data on my phone so Dave was in charge of Google Maps…)
We paid €1.50 each (instead of €5 which I’d read online) and went in…
… and it was completely dedicated to displays of Nativities From Around The World 🌎 (see LOTS of photies below – one of my favourites is the Indian one where Mary is in a sari, she, Joseph & Jesus are all wearing turbans 👳♂️and the ox & the donkey are replaced with an elephant 🐘 & a tiger 🐅!!!)
And there was even one made of Lego !!!

- Location: 39° 28′ 25.28″ N 6° 22′ 13.23″ W