As Mick & Debs had arrived on a Sunday (when the shops are all closed) we arrived the following morning bearing gifts of croissants, jam, hotdogs, mustard & OJ and had brekky in the sunshine 😎 then bid them farewell and bobbed off to the massive shopping complex up the road called Gran Plaza to sort out the lack of mobile WiFi…
They still have “Orange” over there so we brought the device with us (to test it) and Dave settled on a Pay-As-You-Go 150GB SIM for €30 BUT he DID need his passport to buy the SIM and there seemed to an AWFUL lot of paperwork & fuss for one little SIM but anyway…
We then put Nerja in the SatNav and headed on our way but the closer we got, the more the wind got up and GOSH it was a bit of an unnerving journey as we were ascending up into the hills and there were huge bridges (with NOTHING underneath) and The Van was being swayed hither & thither 😳 (so I tried not to look and busied myself with answering guest queries and booking ferries for them…)
We arrived outside Paul & Sue’s apartment at Capistrano Villages (where Dave & I had flown & stayed at in January 2019 & 2020) and where Kevin was also waiting to greet us – and all went in and had tea and cake out on the balcony on a fabulous sunny afternoon overlooking Nerja (but sadly in all the excitement I forgot to take a photo 😔)…
Kevin then drove us about 15 minutes out of town (up & down bumpy, gravelly dirt-tracks and AGAIN unnervingly close to the edge of a cliff 😳) to show us where he lived – and which could have been another potential spot to park The Van… He and his wife Helen live in a great spot with fabulous views and they think the 15 minute journey into town is nothing but I don’t think I could drive it (even in a normal sized car) even once…
They have a huge outdoor living space (a lot of which is under cover) and I sat down out there and fussed Tigi (the brown one) & Romeo (the black one) – their 2 cute little dachshunds…
Kevin then drove us a teeny bit down the hill to an equestrian place where we caught up with Helen who had been out riding for the afternoon and was then at the stables with her beautiful 5 year old horse (and do you know horses live to 30 years old ? !!!).
Kevin then dropped us back at Paul’s, we had a little drink of sparkly 🥂 & a chat then went to get ready to meet the ex-Pat lot at one of the local hotels – Los Arcos. They meet up for Happy Hour at various local hotels & bars in the area every night between about 7pm & 9pm – very much a “drop-in” session if you fancy it – and we caught up with some of their friends that we’d met on previous visits.
We then went back to Paul & Sue’s who kindly knocked up dinner for us whilst chatting about the old days – then retired to The Van – and a good time was had by all 😊