Got up, showered, packed up & left the site, got a phone call from the site about 60 seconds later saying we’d left without paying the ‘leccy bill 😂 (ACSI – “inexpensive out of season camping” my @rse – I would have dried my hair in THEIR bathroom instead of mine if I would have known I was paying for it 😂). No – we went back and it was only €7 something for 3 nights which was fine…
Typed in “Cartagena” (which Jacky & Dolan advised us was pronounced “CartaHena”) which was about 2 hours away and trundled off…
We needed a few bits so when we saw a Carrefour in a shopping complex off the motorway, we pulled off and it was a MASSIVE shopping outlet. We had a lovely lunch at a Grill place (we did “halvsies” with a chicken club sandwich & fries and a pulled pork burrito – clearly not YET on the diet !!!) got some bits from Carrefour and then went to PRIMANI’s (I kid you not 😂 – see piccie below !!!)
I was a bit all-over-the-place when I was packing for this trip as some of my clothes were in our apartment, some in the wardrobes in the guesthouse & some in the 3-bed apartment and we’d had Holly & Marcus staying for Christmas & we were rushing to get back to the mainland for New Year and I was cold so packed a lot of jumpers – and not a lot for the sunshine… 😎
So I said I’d get some stuff from Primani’s (and Dave said he could do with another pair of shorts so bibbed off to the Men’s Department) but quickly re-appeared and said there weren’t any as they only had winter stuff in (and he was right 😔) – it was the same in the Women’s Department too… So I ended up with a new €2.50 navy camisole (as I couldn’t find mine when I was packing)…
Not too fussed as I know the shops in Nerja – and they will have anything we may need – and we’ll be there in a few days…
And if you are wondering why there is a photo of my backside – well – as we have been travelling through France and Spain – they tend to have a lot of toll roads – so the piccie below demonstrates me reaching out to get a ticket or pay…
And I am now drinking a glass of pink fizz writing this as we are parked up in the Cartagena University car park (found it on Park4Night) which is free – and with it being the weekend – is a perfect base to explore the port, the Roman Theatre & other cultural bits tomorrow so TTFN xxx