Friday morning back in Nerja dawned sunny and definitely a few degrees warmer than our in-land ventures of late… (see first piccie of frost on the ceiling window from our last morning in Ronda !!!
About half an our west along the coast is a town called Almunecar which has a market on a Friday so the plan (as we had missed the 10:15am bus) was for Dave to take Paul, Sue, Marcus & myself in The Van…
It was a lovely drive, high up in the hills along the coast road but parking proved tricky so Dave dropped us all off so we could have a wander around the market as it was due to close at 2pm. Sue tried a green padded winter coat on but in the end I finished up with it – for the bargain price of €7 !!! (… and later when the sun had gone behind the building in the square where we were having lunch I was very grateful for it !!!)
Other bargains included 5 pairs of boxers for Marcus for €5, plus a couple of pairs of trousers for him – some khaki baggy linen/cargos which he liked & wore out in the evening plus a pair of grey tracky-things which he put on in the square (after we lost the sun) and – in true Spanish-market fashion – he moaned that one leg was different to the other !!!
We were booked into “La Cueva” (The Cave Bar) to meet Helen, Kevin & friends for fish & chips in the evening so we said we’d eat less & just have a few tapas at lunchtime…
However we ended up in a square, sitting in the sunshine at an establishment with NO tapas so I ordered a ham & cheese bagel but when it arrived it was HUGE – like a bundt !!! (cake with a hole in the middle – see “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” scene !!!). There was also chips & salad & Dave had pork steak & chips so at least we were taking it steady to leave room for the fish & chips later
There was also a little old lady sitting at the table next to us who was initially very disgruntled as I think she was obviously local, had probably lived there all of her life & ALWAYS had the table that we were sitting at…. Anyway all of a sudden, she took a shine to Marcus & started smiling & chattering away in Spanish so I grabbed my phone & got her to speak into Google Translate (an APP on my phone ) and she said that Marcus was handsome & looked just like her grandson who had 2 children of his own), etc. Ah the wonders of the modern world… So they had a little photo
We had another beer / vino and whilst Dave went to fetch The Van, we wandered down to the sea front past all the shops. It’s a lovely little town (I’d go back there) but wrong time of day for the shops as it was then siesta time so they were all closed…
We came back, had tea & cake on Paul & Sue’s balcony in the beautifully warm sunshine, then I watched a Coro in The Van then we got ready & went down to La Cueva (where Dave & I shared a fish & chips !!!) and a good time was had by all

- Location: 36° 44′ 1.33″ N 3° 41′ 27.93″ W