I like it in Nice. I know its full of posers and people trying to look cool. They listen to the loud speaker on their phone while on a call just so everyone else can hear how cool their lives are. They dress for a simple shopping trip like they are going to a ball. Everyone wears sun glasses of the price you could feed multiple African tribes for ten years. But, I still like it. Don’t ask me why but maybe it’s because I like people watching and everywhere I look it tells me to get back on my bike and ride on.
I’m sure you could run a business taking bets on how many young people will get hit by bicycles, roller skaters, scooters, cars as they stare at Facebook while walking along. I saved a girl from certain death as she walked out into the road doing just the same. But the look she gave me was not of gratitude but instead for how much her Pap-Pa was going to sue me for ‘touching’ her arm.