Corsica arrival

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The ferry (8 hours overnight) was full of people scattered all over the place sleeping rough.  We felt a little guilty having a four berth cabin to ourselves.  Especially when there were a couple of very very pretty young girlies sleeping rough outside our door.

No matter how hard we begged and pleaded with them to share our occupancy, they politely declined.  Saying “Oh no, we couldn’t possibly.  It would be such a presumption.  We certainly wouldn’t like to incur any inconvenience”.  In French.  Of course.  Well, I think thats what they said.

Anyway, we ended up in Corsica at 8am.  Rattled through the coast road and windy (windy not windy) roads to end up at the hotel (inn, hostel, occupancy, room.  Not tent).  We met the Wives who were busy chatting ten to the dozen by the pool.  All very happy.


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