Whilst we had been at Kevin’s the day before, a Spanish official (not The Policia) knocked at Paul & Sue’s & said we had to move The Van within 24 hours as it couldn’t stay parked outside their apartment (even though they explained who we were and even said we were staying in their place).
Dave (being Dave) has simply written a note & put it in the windscreen stating that we are staying at Paul & Sue’s and to ring his mobile if any issues…
Nobody has rung – YET 🤞
For the first time since we’d been in Spain, it rained ☔️ so we had a lazy morning updating the blog and answering guest queries then got ready and the sun was breaking through again as we wandered down the hill into Nerja centre in the afternoon. On the way, Dave made an appointment for Thursday at 4:30pm to have his hair cut (the salon is run by an English girl from Louth and apparently all the ex-Pats use her…)
So I’m in the market for a leather jacket and tried on a plethora yesterday – some cheap & nasty and some obviously better quality. I reckon I’m going to settle on a black one trimmed with a little bit of red and with a red lining – currently “50% off” so €149 rather than €295 – watch this space…
Then we went for a late lunch at Mena Garden (which sounds like a Chinese) but where I has an excellent chicken, bacon & cheese club sandwich with a few fries, Dave had chicken curry & we washed it down with a Tinto De Verano and a beer…
The “flowery” picture is taken outside but then the wind got up again & it looked a bit “black over Bill’s mother’s” so we went INSIDE and took another snap when the drinkies came but before the food…
Bobbed in the Mercadona (supermarket) on the way back then arranged to meet later and went for a little rest in The Van. Now although Dave had bought the unlimited Spanish SIM, when I went on ITVX to try and watch Coro, it told me I was outside of the UK and wouldn’t let me 😡
Luckily My Dave is such a ⭐️ that we downloaded some VPN-thingy to trick it into thinking we are in London so caught up with last Friday’s episode 🥳
We then all met at the bar which is on-site at Capistrano Villages – La Cueva (The Cave Bar) and again chatted to a few of the ex-Pats whilst enjoying the real fire 🔥 then (as we were still full from the late lunch) we came back & I munched on a few squares of Milka with a cup of tea & watched Monday’s episode before nodding off 😴