So the return ferry was actually booked for Thursday 16th due to set sail at 8:15pm and dock at 7:15am Friday 17th UK time BUT – as there are currently strikes – we received a message from Brittany Ferries on Wednesday afternoon advising that the ferry had been pushed back to 9:30am today (Friday 17th) – docking at 5:20pm – which makes it a really late finish to the day – as we have to drive from Portsmouth to Southampton to catch the ferry as Dave booked the wrong one 😐. So we’ve decided to sleep in The Van for another night – in the car park adjacent to Pink Beach when we finally get back – gone 9pm tonight…
Summary – well I actually REALLY didn’t want to even come away on this trip – for all kinds of reasons – BUT I have been pleasantly surprised (and at times delighted) and have ended up having had a really good time. We were talking about it last night in the bar – and we both have…
It may not be a dead-cert annual event – but it will definitely be repeated in the not-too-distant future…
So now it’s time to roll up our sleeves and prepare for the 2023 season – 5 weeks and counting…
So Adios 🇪🇸 y 🇫🇷 Au Revoir Mes Amis for now 👋😘❤️ xxx