OK – so Dave wanted to visit La Plaza de España and I wanted to visit Plaza de América (as when we’d been on the bus the audio-lady had said the square was full of doves 🕊️) so that’s where we went next…
We could see a couple of peeps selling bird food at €1.50 a bag so I went along and bought some…
The area was already filled with doves (& pigeons) and as I approached more suddenly appeared. By the time I had the bag of bird food in my hand, it was like a scene from Hitchcock’s “The Birds” 😂 !!!
Dave was on his bleedin’ phone (he was cross with the accountant – see below) and as I was being attacked, I kept shouting “Dave !!! DAVE !!! Please tell me you’re getting photos of this !!!”
Clearly (see below) – he did – and even though HE didn’t have any food – they settled on him too !!!
When all the food was gone (literally less than a minute later) it was all a bit calmer & the last “bird” piccie below is posed – and I was about to burst into song with 🎵 “Feed the birds, €1.50 a bag…” 🎵 but managed to contain myself 😂 !!!
With all the excitement we forgot to take any piccies of the lovely buildings in the square & got back on the bikes as we’d spotted a little bar over in the corner – where we had MORE sherry (sadly the dry stuff 😐) & tapas !!! Pork steak in sauce, meatballs, potato salad, bread and fries – and it was bloody lovely 😋
The sherries arrived and as we waited for the food, Dave was constructing a curt reply to the accountant (suffice to say that 31st January is approaching…) and I sat there being bathed in (unexpectedly) warm sunshine (I’d taken off my fur poncho AND my fleece !!!) and took a piccie (last one below) which is simply of the 2 glasses of sherry (which were also being bathed in warm sunshine) and I took in my surroundings and – as mindfulness dictates – “live in the present” & “appreciate the small things” – I thought, “It’s not a bad life, is it ?”… 🍷 😎 ❤️