After a quiet night (!!!) we woke & trundled back down the beach spaces and I did us a lovely brekky of Spanish oranges, (tinned !) pineapple and banana with peach yoghurt, some OJ and some croissants & Bonne Maman raspberry jam (I know, I know – lots of sugar… but it was yummy 😋)
We have mobile WiFi in the The Van and although it’s unlimited data in the UK, it is apparently capped at 19GB when roaming and when trying to update the blog and book guest ferries, I realised that we were out 😔
It was Sunday so nowhere was open to sort it (for those techies out there who are saying “Why didn’t Dave just top it up ?”, he didn’t know the phone number associated with the SIM (which you apparently need to know) and when I said “Why don’t you just give them a ring ?”, he announced he would end up speaking to “some muppet in India” 😂 and it would be too difficult so his plan was to purchase an unlimited Spanish SIM the following day…)
So I read my Psychologies magazine to “enrich my emotional lift” (!!!) for a bit then we trundled off on the bikes to do a reccy as we were due to go out for dinner with Mick & Debs so wanted to see what places were close to their apartment.
Excellent cycling paths along the promenade / coast road again and passed lots of families eating out in the sunshine 😎
Came back, popped the bikes back in the garage (see Dave’s “Helping Hand” from Benidorm market that he attached to the garage door which he is VERY happy with – and it hasn’t fallen off yet as I predicted it would !!!).
BUT what he ISN’T happy with is his 15 metre “Magic Hose” that he said was “about 3 metre” and thus not long enough when he last filled The Van up with water – ah well – you win some, you lose some !!!
We then parked back up again at Mick’s place just as they arrived.
We then had a cup of tea ☕️ followed by drinkies in their apartment overlooking the sun-drenched golf course – on an empty tummy – all I’d had was my fruit salad & croissants !!!
Dave had a lie down in The Van whilst the rest of us got ready and then not too far away we found a lovely little place (where they spoke no English at all – just how we like it) and I had a really nice chicken schnitzel with mushroom sauce – and LOTS more glasses of Vino Rosado and eventually wandered back to the apartment & Van 😴